Current incentive programs being offered by the City of Dauphin.
Storefront Improvement Incentive Program 2023
To assist property owners with commercial space improvements, the City of Dauphin is relaunching its Storefront Improvement Incentive Program (SIIP) for businesses. The program is managed and administered by the Dauphin Economic Development & Tourism and provides funding for up to 50% of the eligible costs to a maximum of $5,000 per commercial property. The incentive is a reimbursement program and will be paid out upon the completion of the project and after all criteria is met. All completed applications are due on or before June 30, 2023.
SIIP Application Form (fillable pdf)
Housing Development Incentives
The City of Dauphin offers $1000 for each new housing unit that is being build. This includes multi-family or multi-unit builds. You can download the brochure below or contact at office at 204-622-3229 or for more information. We can also assist you with your building permit and questions about rezoning or development permits.
$1,000 Per Unit Housing Incentive Program Brochure 2022
Building Demolition Incentive Program
The City of Dauphin’s Building Demolition Incentive Program (also known as the Tipping Fee Rebate Program) provides a 50% rebate on tipping fees to any individual demolishing a residential dwelling or commercial structure in its entirety and constructing a new building in its place.
Tipping Fee Rebate Program 2022
Dauphin Business Park Incentive Program
Suitable businesses may be eligible for a reimbursement of land purchase in the Dauphin Business Park. This commercial/industrial development site is jointly owned by the City of Dauphin and the RM of Dauphin. Please contact us directly for more information on this program.
available lots at the Dauphin Business Park located on the north side of Dauphin.
Other development incentives may be offered by the City of Dauphin through its Economic Development Department on a case by case basis. If you are considering Dauphin as the location for your business, contact our Economic Development Manager to see if your business may fit within our guidelines.