The City of Dauphin established a new City Plan to determine how we should grow and develop in a way that builds community, improves quality of life, and ensures sustainability for the environment. The City Plan will provide a vision, goals, and policies to guide Dauphin’s physical, environmental, economic, and social development over the next 25 years.
You can download the City Plan here.
Mayor, Council and City Administration would like to thank the public, consultants and advisors for their assistance during this process.
Residents attending the Open House
February 12, 2024: 3rd Reading
After receiving the official approval from the Minister of Municipal and Northern Relations, City Council officially adopted the City Plan (Development Plan By-Law 06/2023) with the 3rd reading at the regular Council meeting, February 12, 2024.
July 19, 2023: Public Hearing Notice
CITY OF DAUPHIN BYLAW 06/2023 Being a Bylaw of the City of Dauphin to Adopt a Development Plan HEARING:
City of Dauphin Council Chambers
100 Main Street South, Dauphin, Manitoba
DATE & TIME: Monday, August 14, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
AFFECTED AREA: City of Dauphin
PROPOSAL: To adopt a Development Plan for the City of Dauphin (City Plan).
October 21, 2022: The online survey is now closed. Thank you for participating!
Next steps: Our consultants from Urban Systems will take all the comments and responses to the draft plan and finalize the City Plan. Part of this process is an early circulation of the documents with the Government of Manitoba's, Municipal Relations officials to seek feedback. It is projected that the finalized plan will be presented to Council and send for official approval to provincial government early 2023. Stay tuned for updates. The final step is to officially adopt the City Plan by Council and to publish the document on our website.
October 3, 2022: Please join us for our next open house on October 6th, 6-8PM at City Hall for an opportunity to learn about the draft plan and to provide your feedback. No registration needed! If you cannot make it to the open house but still like to share your thoughts, please fill in our survey. The survey will be available online until October 21, 2022. Printed copies are available for pick up at City Hall.
You can download the DRAFT CITY PLAN here
You can view the OPEN HOUSE DISPLAY BOARDS here
June 13, 2022: Our City-Plan-In-A-Week was very well attended during our Open House, Stakeholder Sessions and by filling in the survey. Thank you for your contributions. Urban Systems, our consultants have taken all the information and will return to present a draft plan to Council. We will share this plan on this page and ask for your feedback once again. Stay tuned!
Below is the link to the Open House information boards for your information.