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Radon Information

Please see the City of Dauphin's Radon Action Plan for 2024 to 2027 to see how the City will be tackling radon exposure in Dauphin. 

What is Radon?

Radon is the #1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Exposure to high levels of radon in indoor air results in an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The risk of cancer depends on the level of radon and how long a person is exposed to those levels.

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rock. It is invisible, odourless and tasteless. When radon is released from the ground into the outdoor air, it is diluted and is not a concern. However, in enclosed spaces, like homes, it can accumulate to high levels and become a risk to the health of you and your family.

Radon gas breaks down to form radioactive elements that can be inhaled into the lungs. In the lungs, radon continues to breakdown, creating radioactive particles that release small bursts of energy. This energy is absorbed by nearby lung tissue, damaging the lung cells. When cells are damaged, they have the potential to result in cancer when they reproduce.

How radon gets into your home

The air pressure inside your home is usually lower than in the soil surrounding the foundation. This difference in pressure draws air and other gases, including radon, from the soil into your home.

Radon can enter a home any place it finds an opening where the house contacts the ground: cracks in foundation floor and walls, construction joints, gaps around service pipes, support posts, window casements, floor drains, sumps or cavities inside walls. (source: Health Canada) 

Dauphin and the surrounding area have been identified as having high levels of radon, so it is very important that you get your home tested to protect your family’s health.

During the winter of 2023/24, 139 homes participated in the City of Dauphin’s 200 Radon Test Kit Challenge, using 91-day alpha track tests. This represents 4% of the community’s dwellings. The people of Dauphin need to be aware that 92% of these homes tested above Health Canada’s guideline of 200 Bq/m³. You can see the results in the Take Action on Radon Community Report for Dauphin.

New Program Alert! 

The City of Dauphin, in partnership with the Dauphin Public Library, is excited to announce a Library Lending Program for Digital Radon Screening Devices! With funding from Health Canada and the Manitoba Lung Association, this initiative will help residents easily check radon levels in their homes.

How It Works: Borrow a digital radon screening device for a 4-week period to get a quick reading of radon levels in your home. After your initial screening, be sure to follow up with a 90-day radon test kit for a more accurate reading. These kits can be purchased from Take Action on Radon.

This program is a great way to help you to take the first steps in protecting yourself and your family from dangerous radon levels that can affect your health. Let’s work together to ensure safer homes for Dauphin residents and our community. 

Stop by the Dauphin Public Library to sign out a device, or call 204-638-6410 for more details!

Got Radon? Next Steps…

If you’ve tested for radon and your result is above the Canadian Guideline of 200 becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3), it is important to take action to reduce your radon level. More than 3,000 Canadians die each year from radon induced lung cancer.


  • Lowering radon levels in your home requires specific technical knowledge and skills to ensure the job is done properly. Be sure to hire an experienced, reputable contractor to mitigate radon in your home.
  • A radon mitigation system can be installed in less than a day and will reduce the radon level by more than 80%.
  • The higher the radon concentrations, the sooner action should be taken to reduce levels to as low as practically possible. 
  • Contact the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) at 1-855-722-6777 or search for a  list of certified service providers in your area who can help reduce the level of radon in your home.
  • If you need financial assistance to help pay for radon mitigation, the Canadian Lung Association offers a grant of $1,500 towards the cost of a radon mitigation system if you have a lung cancer diagnosis or if you have low to moderate income. Click here to see if you are eligible The Lungs Matter: Home Radon Mitigation Grant Program.

Please take action on radon and protect yourselves and your loved ones from this radioactive gas.